Wednesday 28 September 2011

Space Allocation and Photoshop Photos

Outdoor exhibition area which leads into reception area

Reception area which is the lawyers space

Two spaces for the artist and computer technician. Storage and toilet/bathroom areas are present

Two spaces at end of room belong to architect and engineer. The desk to the side is a spare and can be used by anybody if they are feeling lonely. Storage and toilet areas are present also.

Beach Rd view

 Rent a car view
Beach Rd perspective view

Second Life Project

The Design process

Because of the way I designed my gathering office in the last project, I found trying to build it with similair shape on second life was just extremely difficult and unpurposeful. As a substitute I used interlinking twisting spiral pieces to build up form for my building. This gave a very eye catching, dynamic/fluid like asthetic as well as saving alot of stress overall.

 I changed the positions of the glass overhangs to the outside edges of the middle and top levels. I also fully removed the middle exhibition building as it was unnecessary and over the top. In a way I made my previous design simpler but more effective.   

 Originally I did have a "trunk like" spiral going from the top level to below floor level. The idea was to ensure the flow continues right to the ground, as shown in my last gathering project. However I felt the effect of this idea on second life was much less as I could not get it to look exactly correct, so I removed it completely. Even though looking through the spiral was very attractive and I had planned to put an elevator going up through the centre of it.

When I had completed one layer of twisting pieces to create the form of my office I realised that it was very open. I still required some sort of roofing system to provide closure from the elements. The solution I found was to have three layers of twisting sections, that were all twisted differently from one another, had different sizes and textures, so that the the gaps in the first layer would be covered by its two inner layers. This also had a dramatic effect on the internal view of the space inside these twisted sections. As you can see from the photos below, the internal view is just as amazing as the external. The walls and roof are all one plane that link with the floor.  

Final tectures chosen. Only three textures have been used to show the subtle change from twisting layer to twisting layer. Keeping this simple so nothing goes over the top.

Spiral Stairway entrance to match the building overall.

Some amazing views..........enjoy :)

Final completed elevation!!!!!!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Start of Second Life Project

Gifting Brief
Renovate your office to be the space that could change your building to an architecture of the 21st century. When you went back in after the renovations. The impact of that moment when you achieved something more than a building - a new and extraordinary moment. It held all the surprise of a beautiful gift but most of all it was architecture thta inspired others to want to be architects.

My Inspirational Topic

The above link places you inside the Sistine Chapel in the vatican and gives you the ability to look all around and even zoom in on Michaelangeloes famous ceiling paintings of naked people. The concept of this website shows the gift of free expression and how one person can "be there" when really they are nowhere even close. However is seeing the Sistine Chapel and all its wonders on a perspectively made interactive website as good as experiencing it in person?? The obvious answer is no, as one cannot possibly feel any emotional connection or apprieciation towards a digital version of reality. This fake digital Sistine Chapel is definitely not a substitute for visiting the real thing but instead would be more used for educational purposes only. Also free expression is the fuel which drives human creativity and innovation in design. It is the reason why we adapt, evolve and become a more advanced civilisation.   

Documentation of Movement in my Animation Movie

 First Sculptie made in 3dsmax and uploded to second life

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Animation, Weeks 6-7

Gathering Brief
You and four colleagues are setting up your first business. You nees premises that will allow you to bring in and store all the things you need for your enterprising office/studio. Each of you brings a different skill set to the job. Identify their needs and design an office with appropriate space for them to store all their stuff. One of your colleagues won the european lottery and is bringing their favourite building! (identified in the matrix you recieved earlier). Another has a thing for doors and insists there must be a front door, a backdoor and at least one other threshold for them to enjoy. A third demands that you identify every service you need is and map it so they can walk to it within 10 minutes. And the fourth loves what you have done before and wants them included into the project.

My Super Team
For my architecture business to be a big success, it is essential I have a team of five highly trained professionals. These people include an engineer, a computer technician, an artist, a lawyer and myself, a revolutionary architect. Our business Will be located on top of an apartment building, budget and also rent a car buildings, on beach road. I will do all of the designing and our engineer will make it happen. The artist will put some excitement into our lives by having their artwork all throughout the interior of our building. The computer techno- wizz will deal with websites and 3d modelling software. The lawyer will be in charge of sorting out any legal issues in the process of our epic new style of designing, as well as sorting out our money issues etc. Our practice will change the way civilisation thinks about a "building" and really just design some abstract, crazy stuff!!  

Some Inspiration
The following photos all show a new form of architecture sitting directly on top of old architecture. This is the solution to the cluster issues on my site. Instead of demoliting the buildings that are already there, or constructing next to it; I will design a structure that sits on top of them. My new architecture building will bend societies rules of physics and design :) 

Below are multiple photos which show the existing buildings on beach rd, which Im planning on building directly on top of...because theres plenty of space in the sky. My design will definatly be multistoried as well.